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ÀCLAIRRIVIÈRES we sommes fiers de travailler avec un groupe diversifié de sponsors et de partenaires qui partagent notre engagement à créer une planète plus propre et plus saine. Leur soutien et leur collaboration nous permettent de faire avancer notre mission et d'avoir un impact significatif dans la lutte contre la pollution plastique.
Partenaires du projet
Become a Partner
CLEAR RIVERS relies on valuable partnerships. You can contribute in the realization of more Litter Traps or in the innovation of the best recycling techniques by supporting us as a partner or sponsor. After Rotterdam, Brussels and Ambon, we are proceeding with our approach in other cities worldwide.
If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact us at
CLEAR RIVERS is a brand name of Recycled Island Foundation; a registered non-profit organisation with the ANBI status, “Public Benefit Organization”. Natural and legal persons making donations to a Public Benefit Organization may deduct their gifts from their Dutch income tax or corporate income tax
They support our work for a plastic-free future
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