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Être impliqué

There are multiple ways to join us for a plastic-free sea!

For questions, please contact

Our oceans are covered in waste

CLEAR RIVERS focuses on stopping plastic from entering the seas and oceans!

We rely on donations from companies and individuals to be able to work on these projects.

Your donation helps to keep the oceans plastic free!


"13 years ago I took the initiative and started the cleanups in Maassluis.

After a while, many people joined me, and now the area is cleaner and people’s behavior is changing.
My wish is for Maassluis to become the cleanest area in the Netherlands!"

Become a Volunteer

Are you located in the Netherlands and want to contribute to cleaner cities and riverbeds? 

to your school

Are you a student or a professor interested in sustainability?

Email us!

We are open for presentations, workshops, and student assignments (live and online).


Envoyez-nous vos idées

Avez-vous une bonne idée du prochain produit circulaire
devrions-nous créer?
Connaissez-vous un endroit précis où placer un piège à litière ?

Vos idées nous sont précieuses, partagez-les avec nous !

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