In the last six months of the project, CLEAR RIVERS already achieved several milestones in Ambon:
From the production in the Netherlands and assembling of three Litter Traps in Thailand, to the launch of a successful educational and awareness program with local universities and communities.
The Litter Traps’ parts have been produced in The Netherlands and transported to Thailand where they have been assembled under the supervision of CLEAR RIVERS Founder who traveled to Thailand to support the assembling process of the first device.
CLEAR RIVER is now finalizing the import into Indonesia, aiming at delivering them to Ambon in February 2023.
In September, two students of AVANS University started their internship at CLEAR RIVERS by traveling to Ambon. They have currently been on the island for 3 months and they will return in January 2023.
During their stay on the Island, they focused on two main pillars of CLEAR RIVERS action:
Education and awareness activities and Litter Traps deployment and waste analysis.
They have been studying and monitoring the plastic pollution situation, and possible locations for the deployment of future Litter Traps as well as conducting surveys to collect feedback and ideas from people living close to the bay’s shores and along polluted rivers. At the same time, they successfully organized cleanups and workshops to talk about CLEAR RIVERS' mission, specifically about the Ambon plastic-free project, and its future developments. During these events, they have been able to collect their ideas and wishes for the projects, as well as share their concerns and opinions on the waste situation on the Island.
Please see some of the above-mentioned activities in the slide show below.
Published in December 2022
Mises à jour précédentes :

En mai 2022, la chef de projet CR Francesca a passé 5 semaines à Ambon, pour développer une meilleure compréhension de l'île, travailler en étroite collaboration avec les habitants et jeter les bases d'une mise en œuvre réussie de trois pièges à déchets dans la baie d'Ambon.
Construire un cadre d'accords et de collaborations avec des organisations et institutions locales telles que des centres de recherche, des universités et des ONG, au niveau du village, de la ville et de la province est fondamental. Alors que trois pièges à déchets sont en route de Rotterdam à Ambon, CLEAR RIVERS construit un réseau local solide et fiable :
travailler en étroite collaboration avec les habitants d'Ambon est la clé pour développer une approche efficace à chaque étape du flux de déchets plastiques à l'échelle locale :
de la recherche et l'analyse de la localisation, de la collecte et du tri des déchets au développement de programmes éducatifs pour sensibiliser à ce problème mondial et, en particulier, àCLAIRLa solution de RIVERS.
Publié en juin 2022
Photos de la pollution plastique sur l'île d'Ambon :