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Check out what we have done so far
Litter Trap, Indonesia
Les étudiants Robin et Thomas se sont rendus sur l'île indonésienne d'Ambon pour développer, construire et placer un nouveau piège à déchets dans l'embouchure de la rivière. Là, il empêche le plastique flottant d'entrer dans la mer. Le Litter Trap est une version améliorée des deux Litter Traps que nous avons fabriqués et est placé à Ambon au début de cette année. La conception est basée sur les trois pièges à litière que nous avons à Rotterdam. Le projet est réalisé en collaboration avec Pahlawan Sampah Maluku, Unpatty University, Rotterdam University of Applied Science et Lipi Research Centre.

Produits circulaires
Recycled Island Foundation designed and realized a 3D printed sofa, in collaboration with Audi Environmental Foundation. This was our first test with 3D printing of large objects, with recycled plastics. The sofa is placed and displayed at various Audi locations. In this way, we raise awareness about the possibilities of recycling plastics and about plastic pollution. In the sofa, there is space for plants and a tree. We are continuing the innovation of circular products.
Produit circulaire
After almost five years of plastic retrieval, recycling, fund raising, designing and testing, we proudly opened the 140m2 floating park on July 4th. The park consists of hexagon blocks made from recycled plastics. In this way, we bring the plastics back into the river, but with an ecological role to stimulate biodiversity in the Rijnhaven. The vegetation that grows in, on and at the park, brings more greenery to the city and gives shelter to animals.
We are currently exploring new locations for this concept and looking at the potentials of the expansion of the park.

Piège à litière,
In harbors of Rotterdam we have successfully completed the pilot. After 1,5 years of developing, testing and improving, we have a working system to capture floating plastics in rivers and ports. The retrieved litter stays inside the trap until it gets emptied, and will be recycled into new circular products. The Litter Traps can stand tough harbor conditions, including ship traffic and tidal changes. The Litter Traps are developed in collaboration with HEBO Maritiemservice and with the support of the Municipality of Rotterdam.
Litière Trap, Indonésie
Two new concept Litter Traps are realized in the bay of Ambon, to stop floating plastics from entering the sea. We want to share our experience and knowledge of litter retrieval and effective reuse of plastics in Indonesia. The Litter Traps are constructed from local materials, with local support and collaboration. The process is shown in a series of vlogs.
The Litter Traps in Ambon are the first step for the international implementation.

We started a collaboration with Audi Environmental Foundation. Together we will approach marine litter internationally. Audi Environmental Foundation starts to support us with our Recycled Park in Rotterdam, Litter Traps and educational program.
We are looking forward to a long term partnership.
Research, Indonesia
Rob and Koen, two students from the Netherlands, went to Ambon to research the scale of the plastic problem in the local river, and to research the local waste management system. Their work can be seen in their vlogs.
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